Thursday evening I got home from work at about 9:45pm and was excited to watch the season premiere of Always Sunny. As I was unlocking the door to my apartment, I got a call from Nate, he wanted to come over and watch the premiere as well. While waiting for him to arrive, I began to take out the trash. I went to the back staircase to grab it when I realized that there was a hole in the bottom of the bag which can only mean one thing: animal. The minute I picked up the trash to double bag it, a rat came running from inside of the bag and into the studio! I immediately dropped the bags to the floor and jumped onto the kitchen counter. I was shaking. I was home alone and began anticipating Nate's arrival to help me catch him... or actually, to make Nate catch him. I called Sarah, who happened to be on her way home from a hockey game, and thank god she and Casey were close. While I waited, I decided to risk climbing down off the counter so I could shut our bedroom doors. Once the doors were shut, I jumped onto the arm of the couch and waited to be saved.
The pictures to follow are not good by any means, but I was too nervous to care.

Casey and Nate (who arrived wearing a blazer, only the best rat catching outfit) devising a plan.

Creating a tunnel of artwork leading him into Trish's (Sarah's cat) carrier.

The location where I dropped the trash bag once the rat ran out of it. Strategically placed in front of the studio. Sarah and I shut Nate and Casey in the room with the rat.

There's the beast.
When I took this picture, the rat screeched real loud then pooped from my flash firing. Gross.

Letting it go...

I stayed very far away.

Celebratory shot of whiskey.
And thank god Always Sunny plays again at 11pm...
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