My life consists of working, sleeping, eating/cooking, and driving a lot. Here are some regular life updates:

I randomly woke up at 5:45am one morning, saw the sky, snapped this picture, went back to sleep.

Trish, watching birds. A morning ritual.

On the left: delicious bolognese sauce that I made.
On the right: I successfully cooked my grandmothers famous chili, which doesn't really have measurements. For example: the salt was measured in how many times I needed to shake the salt shaker. It turned out wonderfully.

Homemade Tomato Orzo Soup plus grilled cheese, not pictured.

Big Mac night at Jessie's.
That is Devon on the left, eagerly waiting for me to take the picture so he could eat.
On the right, the Big Mac assembling station, complete with homemade special sauce.
For dessert we made apple, granola, peanut butter, chocolate chip sandwiches where the apple slices were the "bread".

So foggy!

Foggy rainy drive.
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