May 9, 2011

Truck Fire.

So... Jessie and I got on 90W to head to a location we will be shooting a wedding at on June 3rd. About 10 minutes into our drive we came across crazy black smoke in the sky and Jessie goes, "Dude, that is not normal." Nope... it's not. Turns out it was a super intense truck fire. There were ginormous flames, which unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture of because of the crazy amount of traffic. But they were at least 25 feet in the air. The highway became a puzzle of cars as we were all trying to let through about 3 fire trucks and 4 cop cars. At one point a fireman came out and was directing traffic to get cars to move out of the way, that's how jammed the highway was. Thankfully, I got home 4 hours later and found the article online. No one was hurt.

Some links:

People were getting out of their cars and standing in the road to watch. I was definitely one of them.

Fireman directing traffic.

The cab of the truck was completely gutted and down to it's skeleton, as you see here. The back of the truck was completely fine. One of the links above says that 100 gallons of fuel was spilled onto 90.

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